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Strain Gauges



Strain Gauges for Steel: Weldable strain gauges measure strain in steel. Typical applications include:

  • Monitoring stresses in structural members of buildings, bridges, tunnel linings and supports during and after construction.

  • Monitoring the performance of wall anchors and other post-tensioned support systems.

  • Monitoring loads in strutting systems for deep excavations.

  • Measuring strain in tunnel linings and supports. Monitoring areas of concentrated stress in pipelines.

  • Monitoring distribution of load in pile tests.



Strain Gauges for Concrete: Embedment strain gauges measure strain in concrete. Typical applications include:

  • Measuring strains in reinforced concrete and mass concrete.

  • Measuring curing strains. Monitoring for changes in load.

  • Measuring strain in tunnel linings and supports.










Types of Strain Gauges


VW Spot-Weldable Strain Gauge

Designed to measure strain in steel, this vibrating wire strain gauge is spot-welded to the surface of the steel. A sensor is then fixed atop the gauge. Readings are obtained with a VW readout or with a data logger. (Datasheet)


VW Arc-Weldable Strain Gauge

Designed to measure strain in steel, this vibrating wire strain gauge is held to the structure by mounting blocks are are arc-welded to the structure. Groutable mounting blocks are available for concrete structures. Readings are obtained with a VW readout or data logger. (Datasheet)


VW Embedment Strain Gauge

Designed to measure strain in reinforced concrete or mass concrete, this vibrating wire strain gauge is typically tied to a reinforcing cage. Readings are obtained with a VW readout or data logger. (Datasheet)



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