Strain Gauges
Strain Gauges for Steel: Weldable strain gauges measure strain in steel. Typical applications include:
Monitoring stresses in structural members of buildings, bridges, tunnel linings and supports during and after construction.
Monitoring the performance of wall anchors and other post-tensioned support systems.
Monitoring loads in strutting systems for deep excavations.
Measuring strain in tunnel linings and supports. Monitoring areas of concentrated stress in pipelines.
Monitoring distribution of load in pile tests.
Strain Gauges for Concrete: Embedment strain gauges measure strain in concrete. Typical applications include:
Measuring strains in reinforced concrete and mass concrete.
Measuring curing strains. Monitoring for changes in load.
Measuring strain in tunnel linings and supports.
Types of Strain Gauges
VW Spot-Weldable Strain Gauge
Designed to measure strain in steel, this vibrating wire strain gauge is spot-welded to the surface of the steel. A sensor is then fixed atop the gauge. Readings are obtained with a VW readout or with a data logger. (Datasheet)
VW Arc-Weldable Strain Gauge
Designed to measure strain in steel, this vibrating wire strain gauge is held to the structure by mounting blocks are are arc-welded to the structure. Groutable mounting blocks are available for concrete structures. Readings are obtained with a VW readout or data logger. (Datasheet)
VW Embedment Strain Gauge
Designed to measure strain in reinforced concrete or mass concrete, this vibrating wire strain gauge is typically tied to a reinforcing cage. Readings are obtained with a VW readout or data logger. (Datasheet)