Pneumatic Pressure Indicator
The 256 Pneumatic Pressure Indicator is used to activate and read pneumatic piezometers, total pressure cells, and settlement cells. The indicator employs top quality components and is constructed to withstand many years of hard use.
Before leaving for site, check that the indicator’s built-in tank is charged with gas. The built-in tank holds more than 180 liters of gas (6.25 SCF), which is suitable for busy reading schedules.
On site, set the pressure regulator. Proper regulation results in lower gas consumption and prevents damage to the pressure gauge.
Connect tubing from the transducer to the indicator using the quick-connect fittings. Turn on the gas to activate the transducer. Gas now flows down through the tubing to the transducer.
Wait for a return flow of gas from the transducer’s vent tube, then shut off the gas. If you reading with flow, use the built-in precision flowmeter and flowrate valve to slow the flow of gas.
Wait for the pressure reading on the main gauge to stabilize, then write down the reading. It is good practice to take a second reading for verification.
Disconnect and move to the next transducer.
Indicator Options
Pressure Gauges: Choose a pressure gauge that meets your needs. Analog guages offer 0.25% accuracy; the digital gauges offer 0.05% accuracy.
Precision Flowmeter: Use the precision flowmeter when reading with flow or when pressurizing long lines.
High Quality Components: The 256 indicator is built for hard and long use. It employs the best quality tube fittings, tubing, valves, gauges, and tank.